01-27 Ambulatory Anaesthesia F Thejane
2023-02-03 – Anaesthesia for Electroconvulsive Therapy – DO Vawda
2023-03-10 Nerve Localisation Techniques & Patient Safety – Richard-Edwards2023-
2023-03-24 Perioperative arrhythmias A Levey
2023-03-31 Mitigating adverse events – T Zhande
2023-04-14 Functional capacity assessment S Essa
2023-05-05 The Anaesthetist and Management of Burns M Moodley
2023-05-12 Non Operating Room Anaesthesia Malleck
2023-06-09 The nightmare of waking up – O Nomvalo
2023-06-30 Terminal Anaesthesia P Chonco
2023-07-07 Thermoregulation in the Perioperative Period T Curtis
2023-07-28 Cardiac Failure for the Anaesthetist DJ Laas
2023-08-04 Onco -Anaesthesia E Gwala
2023-08-25 – Electricity and electrical safety in the operating theatre A Soonarane
2023-09-01 ICU Communication N Masuku
2023-09-15 Trimming the Fat – The Obese Adult – Y Chang
2023-09-22 The Difficult Airway Revisited Physiological and Psychological Factors S Reddy
2023-10-06 The Heparins – T Thabethe
2023-10-13 Chronic Post-Surgical Pain – F Baba
2023-10-27 Cognitive Bias G Ferreira