Publications 2021



  1. Maharaj A, Cronje L, Jithoo S. Anaesthetic nurse training in KwaZulu-Natal government hospitals: exploring strengths and deficiencies.

          Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia. 2021; 27(1): 15-23.


  1. DL Skinner, K de Vasconcellos, R Wise, T Kisten, M Faurie, T Hardcastle, DJJ Muckart. Renal replacement therapy in intensive care units in KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa

          South Afr J Crit Care 2021; 37(1): 21-26.


  1. I Kiwalabye, L Cronjé, S Schoeman, T Sommerville. A Simulation-based study e valuating the preparedness of Interns’ Post-Anaesthesia rotation in managing a failed Obstetric Intubation scenario: Is our training good enough?  

          S Afr Med J  2021; 111(3): 265-270


  1. B Salmond, RN Rodseth, Z Farina, RP von Rahden. Comparison of point-of-care device DiaSpect against the HemoCue and laboratory analyser in an ICU population.

          Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia. 2021; 27(2): 99-103


  1. The African Covid-19 Critical Care Outcome Study (ACCCOS). Lancet 2021; 397: 1885-94. Prospective observational cohort study, 64 hospitals, 10 African countries, 3140 patients.  Prof D Gopalan and Prof B Biccard (exUKZN) Investigators included Santosh Pershad & Thuli Biyase (IALCH), and Arisha Ramkillawan & Michelle Smith (Greys). 

          For full article and supplementary material  

          Podcast interview with the co-chief investigators


  1. DG Bishop, Simon PDP le Roux. Anaesthesia for ruptured ectopic pregnancy at district level.  South African Family Practice 2021; 63(1): a5304.  /


  1. T Mtubu, C Rajah, DG Bishop, RN Rodseth. A retrospective evaluation of the efficacy of midazolam and ketamine as premedication for paediatric patients undergoing elective surgery.   Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia. 2021;27(3):139-143


  1. JL Taylor. Paediatric Acute pain.  Nociceptive Views. Continuing Medical Education. Going beyond the pain threshold.  2021; Edition 11; pp12-15.


  1. Gopalan PD. These are the (β,α,δ) days of our lives … South Afr J Crit Care 2021:37(2):41-43. DOI:



  1. Richards GA, Bentley A, Paruk F, Gopalan PD, Brannigan L. Is there a role for melatonin in the intensive care unit? South Afr J Crit Care 2021:37(2):77-82.


  1. Biccard BM, Thomson D, Miller M, Taylor EH, Gopalan PD. Critically ill COVID-19 patients in Africa: it is time for quality registry data – Authors’ reply. Lancet 2021; 398(10299):486-487.



  1. Alexandra Torburg, Bruce Biccard, etc Understanding the performance of a pan-African intervention to reduce postoperative mortality: a mixed-methods process evaluation of the ASOS-2 trial



  1. Below link is for the publication from the ASOS group which a lot of people in the department participated in.



  1. Sailuja Naidu, etc: Guidelines for infection control and prevention in Anaesthesia in South Africa, Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia. 2021;27(4 Suppl 1):S1-55



  1. TE Sommerville: Learning on the job: developing an educational culture of trust. Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia. 2021;27(4):160-162



  1. K Naicker, K Govender, VS Singaram: Anaesthesiology trainers’ knowledge, attitudes and practices of feedback in a South African anaesthesiology department. Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia. 2021;27(4):180-185



  1. Skinner DL, de Vasconcellos K, Wise R, Kisten T, Faurie M, Hardcastle T, Muckart DJJ. Renal replacement therapy in intensive care units in KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa. Southern African Journal of Critical Care2021;37(1):21-26.



  1. Ramkisson A, Bechan S. A retrospective clinical audit of postoperative utilisation of intravenous morphine patient controlled analgesia in patients undergoing primary hip and knee arthroplasty.

           Journal of Pain SA: The South African Chapter of the IASP 2021; 16(2): 4-8.


  1. Torborg A: Considerations for assessing optimal regional anaesthesia and analgesia in paediatric surgical patients

           Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia. 2021;27(5):198-202



  1. MIS Kathrada, M Jagga, YN Mzoneli, J Swanevelder, MW Gibbs: Perioperative ultrasound among South African anaesthetists: a survey of current practice and availability

            Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia. 2021;27(6):271-277


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